This one is called "Gas Attack", it is part of a concept I called: "War of the Woods".
The idea for it came a few years ago as I was walking in the streets of Nancy, a city in the French region of Lorraine. The first world war still permeates the whole landscape over there. You know how it is when your mind wonders about ...What a strange building... Hey look a pretty girl... and then... hundreds of angry Dwarves wearing strange helmets and gas masks appear!
I ran home and did the sketch that you see at the top. Then I forgot about it for a year or two.
Later I thought it'd be fun to do a more finalized painting from that crude rough.
The image in the middle was taken by my wife as I was painting it. The books in the background are all real, and barely any of them is a Playboy magazine.
The last image is the final painting.
It is really sad to think that the real world influences the parallel world of the fairies in such a dramatic way, but there it is! Who knows what they're up to these days...