Monday, July 19, 2021

Watercolours (Some nudity in that post)

Beneath the Temple. This a watercolour inspired by a "Spit paint", I just did. Spit paints are digital painting done in 30 minutes on an imposed theme.

Wrestler lady

To a beautiful island
one day will set sail
To a beautiful island
And all shall be well

I'm experiencing bouts of long Covid and those are scary and unpleasant. I have strong palpitations and very high blood pressure. When that happens, I just want to paint the most pleasant things I can! that poem appeared while painting.


Yes I know, his legs are a bit long. I blame Covid... Or something.


Steampunk motor girl

Lady and Mammoth

Lady T


1 comment:

  1. I noticed your 'Beautiful Island' painting, and wondered if you were familiar with an American poet/illustrator named Don Blanding. In 1928 he published a book called 'Vagabond's House', which included a cycle of poems describing his dream home and his world-wide wanderings, illustrated with his own pen-and-ink drawings. Classic work, IMO.

    Later printings featured a blockier, less attractive style of illustration, but the first fourteen printings, at least -- I have other copies in storage, but the one at hand is a 14th printing dated 1933 -- have the fine illustrations I love.

    Anyway, your 'Beautiful Island' painting and accompanying poem reminded me of Blanding. If I can find a way to send you an image or two, or even a PDF of his best work from that book, I'll send it on. You might enjoy seeing it.

    BTW, I'm browsing your blog today because I had to box up my print of your 'Thunderbolt Motorcycle Girl' painting (we're moving) and got to wondering what you've been up to lately. Hope you're keeping well. Sláinte!
